Agreement of Sale of Shares

Agreement of Sale of Shares: A Comprehensive Guide

An agreement of sale of shares is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase and sale of shares in a company between the seller and buyer. This type of agreement plays a crucial role in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and is used to transfer ownership from one entity to another. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the key elements of an agreement of sale of shares and what to keep in mind when drafting one.

Key Elements of an Agreement of Sale of Shares

1. Parties Involved: The agreement must identify the parties involved, including the seller, buyer, and the company whose shares are being sold.

2. Consideration: This refers to the payment that the buyer will make to the seller in exchange for the shares. The consideration can be in cash, shares, or a combination of both.

3. Number and Type of Shares: The agreement must clearly state the number and type of shares being sold. It should also include any restrictions on the transfer of those shares.

4. Warranties and Representations: These are the statements made by the seller concerning the shares being sold. The seller must confirm that they have the legal right to sell the shares and that there are no outstanding liabilities or claims against the company. The buyer must also confirm that they have the financial capacity to complete the purchase.

5. Conditions of the Sale: The agreement should outline any conditions necessary for the sale to be completed. For example, the buyer may require approval from a regulatory body, or the seller may require payment in installments.

6. Escrow: An escrow account may be set up to hold the consideration until the conditions of the sale are met.

Drafting an Agreement of Sale of Shares

When drafting an agreement of sale of shares, it`s important to keep the following points in mind:

1. Seek Professional Advice: M&A transactions can be complex, and it`s essential to seek professional advice from a lawyer or an accountant to ensure that the agreement is legally sound and offers maximum financial benefits.

2. Consider the Tax Implications: The agreement of sale of shares can have significant tax implications for both the seller and buyer. It`s recommended to consult with a tax expert to determine the tax consequences of the sale.

3. Include a Confidentiality Clause: M&A transactions are usually confidential, and it`s essential to include a confidentiality clause to protect the sensitive information involved in the transaction.

4. Be Specific: The agreement should be specific and clearly state the terms and conditions of the sale. Ambiguity can lead to disputes and legal issues later on.


An agreement of sale of shares is a crucial document in M&A transactions. It outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase and sale of shares and is a legally binding agreement between the seller and buyer. When drafting an agreement, it`s important to seek professional advice, consider the tax implications, include a confidentiality clause, and be specific. With careful planning and attention to detail, an agreement of sale of shares can ensure a smooth and successful transaction for both parties.
