Ici Agreement Ontario Boilermakers

Boilermakers Local 128 and ICI Ontario Agreement Explained

The construction industry in Ontario has a long history of labor unions and collective bargaining agreements, which help to ensure fair working conditions and wages for workers. One such agreement that has garnered attention recently is the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) Ontario Boilermakers agreement.

The ICI Ontario Boilermakers agreement is a collective bargaining agreement between Boilermakers Local 128 and the ICI sector in Ontario. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment for boilermakers working in the ICI sector, including wages, hours, benefits, and working conditions.

The agreement covers a range of industries, including construction, manufacturing, energy, and more. Boilermakers are essential workers in these industries, responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of boilers, tanks, and other pressure vessels.

Under the agreement, boilermakers receive competitive wages, including overtime provisions, as well as benefits such as health care, dental care, and pension plans. The agreement also includes provisions for training and apprenticeships, ensuring that workers have the necessary skills to perform their jobs safely and effectively.

The ICI Ontario Boilermakers agreement is an important step towards fair and equitable treatment of workers in the construction industry. By ensuring that workers receive fair wages and benefits, the agreement helps to strengthen the middle class and support a strong economy.

In conclusion, the ICI Ontario Boilermakers agreement is a vital tool for protecting the rights and interests of boilermakers working in the ICI sector. The agreement ensures fair wages, benefits, and working conditions, as well as training and apprenticeship opportunities. By supporting this agreement, we can build a stronger, more resilient construction industry in Ontario.
